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What are you working on?

Posted: Sat 12 Nov, 2016 9:27 am
by TPHogan
I'm now to the group and I only know one person here. Just wondering what everyone is working on at the moment. Quick story outline, genre, that sort of thing.

Currently working on a fractured fairy-tale, not a genre, I know but I don't know what to classify it as yet.

Story outline so far (subject to change as story progresses):
Echo, a failing Fairy Godmother has been given one more case to prove herself. If she doesn't succeed, she'll be collecting fairy dust for the rest of her life.

If that's not enough pressure, her case has one minor hiccup. All her training and background has been focused on working with Princesses. Working with an unwilling and uncooperative Prince is going to be a challenge all on its own. Not to mention she's pretty sure someone is attempting to sabotage her efforts.

The business of Happily-Ever-Afters isn't easy in the first place and this case is going to take everything she has.

Re: What are you working on?

Posted: Sun 13 Nov, 2016 2:44 pm
by Liam
Ha! I love your premise. Is this like a hard boiled fairy godmother?

Just got this image in my head of a rough jawed fairy with droopy wings, a cigarette dangling out of the corner of her mouth and a glass of bourbon in the other!

Welcome to the group by the way!

I'm actually bouncing between two projects at the moment. The first is the long running, never ending, dystopian, Aussie sci fi novel called Terra Liberorum. Which is set in the bush after an alien invasion, where humans both of the ordinary (small poppy) variety and Atomic mutants struggle to survive.

The second is tenatively titled Stone, Steel and Sky (I have a thing for alliteration). Its a more traditional fantasy story, though there are some pretty unusual tropes thrown into the mix (global warming for example). Basically its set in a world where two thirds of the land has been flooded and a mysterious threat from under the sea threatens the surviving humans. I am structuring it in a way that reflects A Song of Ice and Fire, with a mysterious fantasy foe in the background of a more real-world mundane fight between two groups of humans in the foreground. Though while GRRM is alluding to Wars of the Roses I'll be focusing on the Ulster Plantation and the Irish rebellions.