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READ ME: File naming conventions!

Posted: Fri 26 May, 2017 2:48 pm
by noemz
In order to keep things orderly, please use the following file naming conventions when posting stories and comments.

Start with your name, hyphen, then name of the story, then chapters (if needed).

For example:
Naomi - The Earth Rotated on Its Axis.doc

Or if there are chapters:
Naomi - The Earth Rotated on Its Axis Ch1-3.doc

Naomi - The Earth Rotated on Its Axis synopsis.doc

Then when you post your comments on someone's story, you add a hyphen with your name to the end.

Naomi - The Earth Rotated on Its Axis Ch1-3 - Jemima notes.doc

*Use a consistent name/nickname/initials when you're posting.
*Don't include other stuff in the filename like dates etc. Also look out for weird characters that come out like "%27" etc.
*Shorten the title or abbreviate it if it's really long.
*If you don't have a title for the piece, create a working title. Don't use 'scene' or 'last bit' etc.
*Do this even if other people don't.

This just makes it easier to sort out who's who, who posted what, who commented on what, etc.