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YA books (and some others)

Posted: Sun 27 Aug, 2017 5:14 pm
by asydneygirl
So peeps, here are some recommendations that you may want to check out:

For beautiful backstory that should feel info dumpy but works anyway: Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton. (YA)

A series that switches up the main protags every book while staying in the same world: The shattered sea trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. (Adult)

For epic fantasy with political overtones: Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen (YA/ADULT cross over)

For quirky YA romance (this one is like reading bubblegum): Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell and then for an even quirkier take on Harry Potter (loosely related to Fangirl) Carry on by Rainbow Rowell.

For beautiful prose and a Eastern European setting: Daughter of smoke and bone series by Laini Taylor. (YA)

For more mermaids but written in a very poetic style: Lorali by Laura Dockrill. (YA - nothing like mine, I promise)

For ensemble cast and slightly darker feel heist novels: the Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo. (Dark YA - a personal favourite)

For alternating POVs with non-equal character spacing: Carve the mark by Veronica Roth. (YA)

For sci-fi space adventure: The Red Rising trilogy by Pierce Brown (Adult but YA crossover marketing)

And one more - for a mystery and a very unreliable narrator: We were liars.

Re: YA books (and some others)

Posted: Fri 01 Sep, 2017 1:55 pm
by Makimi
Thanks K!

The Queen of Tearling is effen awesome! Better yet, no love triangles :D

