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Posted: Thu 08 Feb, 2018 10:29 pm
by noemz
Okay folks, layin' down some rules here.

While it's good that these monthly meetings provide deadlines to keep us motivated, it is not good to rush things out and post them without properly reviewing the work. If you're getting too close to the deadline and you realise you won't have time to rework it and polish it, then there is always the next month's deadline.

It is part of the writing craft to make sure you get this stuff right before you submit a story: spelling, grammar, punctuation and formatting (for example, correctly formatting dialogue).

Stories that are riddled with errors are extremely difficult to read and comprehend; readers aren't likely to get immersed in the story or be able to deliver good feedback. And, with more people posting than ever before, this is unfairly creating too much extra workload for other group members.

Ideally, it's good to sit on a story and let it rest for a little while, then return to it with fresh eyes and critically review it. It's better to submit polished work less often than rush out something every month that is rough as hell.