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Posted: Mon 26 Mar, 2018 2:48 pm
by shxinny
I've just found that listening to podcasts help me funnel dead time like driving to and from work into research. Since I'm making a ancient-China style world, I've been listening to the history of China podcast ( which is a part of a bigger podcast network ( with other history-based podcasts that might help as a starting point for world building.

Re: Podcasts

Posted: Sun 27 May, 2018 10:04 pm
by shxinny
Just while I'm spamming this form, there's a few more podcasts I've been enjoying
- this is a really good podcast on writing. Episodes are about 20 minutes long, everything is sharp and to the point and it's won a Hugo. XD This is a podcast that focuses on common literary tropes and conventions(?). Their topics have included character taxonomy, post acopalytpic worlds, unreliable narration, space operas, feeeeeelings (romance) and looks at what makes them work. It's presented by three female writers and looks at examples from both published books AND fanfiction. It is indulgently fannish (and giggly!) but the discussion is interesting and has given me new insights about my own story. Episodes are about 45-60mins long but they're titled well and you can pick the topic that would interest you.

Re: Podcasts

Posted: Tue 20 Nov, 2018 5:55 pm
by shxinny
Also going to add here The Shipping and Handling podcast - is pretty fun. Two agents talking about the business. They both rep SFF, YA and Jennifer Udden does romance as well.